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Dr. Roy M. Reed

1926- 1986 Dr. Reed had too many accomplishments to list them all. He pastored Churches in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and California. He was Pastor of the First Missionary Baptist Church in BellFlower, California for almost 24 years. He was President and a full time teacher of California Missionary Baptist Institute,CMBI. He was former president of the American Baptist assn. Bro. Reed was a preacher's preacher. He was a scientific preacher slicing and dividing God's Word in a most Marvelous way. Some of these messages were from a series of messages that he spoke for 1st MBC of Bellflower. We know that you will enjoy them. Every message he preached was a masterpiece.

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Audio Link  Dr. Roy M. Reed Conviction or Preference

This is another great message by Dr. Reed. The subject is conviction or preference. Are you a Baptist my conviction or just preference? At the end of this message which was given during a CMBI chapel service you will here a wonderful testamony by sister Etta Meyer. The audio is light and difficult to hear but her wonderful testimony is worth the extra effort.

Audio Link  Dr. Roy M. Reed Infant Damnation

Infant Damnation Dr. Roy M.Reed was the former president of CMBI and Pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church of Bellflower, California. This sermon is one of several sermons on the basic doctrines of the Bible. Dr. Reed thoroughly covers the subject of whether a child that dies before the age of accountability dies in Christ or is damned.

Audio Link  Dr. Roy M. Reed The Muslim World & the End Times

Dr. Reed taught this class about 30 years ago before most people ever even thought of the Muslim world playing such a large role in the end times. What great insight Dr. Reed had so many years ago. Remember this was before google or any other research engines existed.

Audio Link  Dr. Roy M. Reed Plan Of Salvation

Dr. Rom M Reed preached this series of messages on the basic Doctrines of the Baptist people and the basic doctrines of the Bible in the CMBI chapels services in 1979.

Audio Link  Dr. Roy M. Reed Saved Baptized And Added To The Church

Dr. Reed was one of the greatest of all time preachers in the American Baptist Assn. Here is one of those great messages that he preached at the First Missionary Baptist Church of Bellflower, California. The message is self explainatory, Saved Baptized and added to the Church.

Audio Link  Dr. Roy M. Reed The Day Jesus Died (A Real Classic)

This is a great message that Dr. Roy Reed preached in the 1970's at Bellflower Missionary Baptist Church.

Audio Link  Dr. Roy M. Reed What Happens When A Christian Sins

Dr. Roy M. Reed covers the subject of 'What Happens When a Christian sins'. Dr. Reed shows how that a true Christian truly has security in Christ even if he sins, but in truth he may securly sin but safely never. A child of God by the inherent adamic nature continues to sin after he is saved. But also when a child of God sins he is chastised by God for that sin.