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F. C. Creel

Brother Creel was one of the greatest teachers on the subject of the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon among Missionary Baptist work. Brother Creel was also a poet and liked to compose poetry. Sister Creel was very delighted when we asked her permission to place his work among our Hall of Fame greats. Brother Phillips spent many hours studying with Brother Creel on the Temple and the Tabernacle and these recordings are from those sessions and seminars that Bro. Creel taught.

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Audio Link  Brother F. C. Creel The Temple # 4

Brother Fred C. Creel preached this series of Messages at the 1st Missionary Baptist Church of Shafter, California in November 1975. The lecture was well attended by members from churches all over the immediate area. Brother Creel had done a lifetime of study on the Temple of Solomon and had many interesting details that he shared with his students.

Audio Link  Brother F. C. Creel The Temple #1

Brother Creel preached this set of lectures on the Temple of Solomon at the 1st Missionary Baptist Church at Shafter, California in November 1975. Brother Creel was at this time pastor of the First Missionary Baptist Church of Oildale, California.

Audio Link  Brother F. C. Creel New Testament Evangelism

Brother Fred C. Creel preached this message at the Armona Bible Conference. We do not have the date for this messsage but it was around 1976

Audio Link  Brother F. C. Creel The Temple #6

Brother Fred C. Creel preached this set of messages at the 1st Missionary Baptist Church at Shafter California in November 1975. This was class number 6 in that set of messages. Were are sorry that we do not have them all. We have lost the other classes through time, but we have these for your enjoyment as you listen to this great speaker teach God's Word. Though he is dead yet he still speaks and teaches throughout the world.

Audio Link  Brother F. C. Creel Remembering and Good Bye

Brother Fred C. Creel preached this message at NHMBC January 15, 1978. This was the last message that Brother Creel preached before he left to his new pastorate and was telling his friends good bye for the last time before leaving the area.